About this Blog

I am creating this blog to record my walk with the Lord. I will be posting about what the Holy Spirit is revealing to me through the Scriptures, what I am learning through other religious material, and noting how other believers are blessing me with their insight and wisdom. Learning the Word is a work in progress, something that may, and should, take my whole lifetime to do. My biggest desire is to be nearer to the Lord everyday. I'm a daughter of the Most High and I aim to be a light for Him. I encourage you to read my posts and comment (if you like) on them. Feel free to write your opinion on any of the subjects. If we disagree on something, please state it respectfully, for I am striving to share my walk and my understanding of the Scriptures and not to offend anyone~so I ask that you do the same. Thank you for stopping by!!
May God Bless You Always!
~~~~Laura Noemi Sandoval~~~~

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Strategy of Satan--Chapter 1

In every chapter, Mr. Wiersbe uses an Old Testament person to demonstrate the point which he is trying to make.  He gives biblical references that back up each occurrence. He lays out Satan's target, weapon and purpose. Lastly, Mr. Wiersbe empowers us with a defense to each particular attack.

 Chapter One ~ The Deceiver
  1. Old Testament Example: Eve
  2. Satan's Target: Your mind
  3. Satan's Weapon: Lies
  4. Satan's Purpose: To make you ignorant of God's Will
  5. Your Defense: The inspired Word of God
My Summary 
God communicates with us and reveals His will for us through our minds-making this a great target for Satan.  If Satan can get through our minds, then he will easily be able to control what we say, think, and what we do.  The easiest way to attack our minds is through doubt.  Having us question ourselves as to our "correct" interpretation/understanding of the Scriptures and  "planting" the seed of doubt in our minds has been his weapon since the beginning of times.  He did it to Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis chapter 2). Not only did he make her doubt herself  (as to what she really head the Lord tell her) but he also quoted Scripture to her and omitted key words.  Satan knows the Scriptures better than you and I.  He knows exactly what is written on it and at times he will add to it and at times he will omit "key" words that make a world of a difference. Since God uses our minds to communicate His will to us than it makes perfect sense that the purpose for Satan to attack our minds is so that we will become ignorant with God's will in our lives.  By doing so, Satan is robbing us of our glorious blessings, we will make bad decisions and get involved in sinful activities, we will be a bad influence, we wont grow to our full potential, and lose enjoyment and peace in our lives. The GREAT news is that there is a defense to his attack: The inspired Word of God.  Notice that Jesus, when approached by Satan, always answered him with the Word of God-Jesus quoted Scripture! In order to defend ourselves with the Word of God, we must first fill ourselves with the Word of God. Bible study is not a luxury...it is a necessity!  There is no reason why we should be ignorant of God's Word.  We can read it, hear it via radio, television, preachers at church and/or study it in Bible study groups. We must make time to learn His Word.  You see, Jesus quoted Scripture because He had the Words in Him, we can do the same.  We can fight Satan with God's Word, however, we can not "quote" what we never read-so it is imperative that we seek to memorize Scripture so that, at the opportune time, we may be able to recall them.  Christians must be saturated in God's Word so that when a situation or temptation arises, we can automatically remember the Scripture that refers/applies to the situation.  The Holy Spirit will bring God's Word to the believer's mind when we need it but again, the Holy Spirit cannot remind us of something we never learned.  Satan knows the Bible and can quote it...as children of God we should too!


  1. Nicely put. I would also add now that we know Satan attacks our thoughts, we can not only fight him but also recognize his attempts quicker. And thus not be in caught in his downward spiral of self-doubt, self-pitty. Jesus is our savior and his word our shield.

  2. That is so true Gina. I've noticed that I am more aware of his attacks much sooner than years past--and then I am able to pray and go to Scripture right away...thanks for sharing
