- "The time of business does not with me differ from the time of prayer; and in the noise and clatter of my kitchen, while several persons are at the same time calling for different things, I possess God in as great tranquility as if I were upon my knees at the blessed sacrament."
- "We ought to help one another by our advice, and yet more by our good examples."
- "Believe me, count as lost each day you have not used in loving God."
I am creating this blog to record my walk with the Lord. I will be posting about what the Holy Spirit is revealing to me through the Scriptures, other religious material, and believers who are blessing me with their insight and wisdom. Learning the Word is a work in progress, something that may,and should, take my whole lifetime to do. My goal is to be nearer to the Lord everyday.I'm a daughter of the Most High and I aim to be a light for Him.
About this Blog
I am creating this blog to record my walk with the Lord. I will be posting about what the Holy Spirit is revealing to me through the Scriptures, what I am learning through other religious material, and noting how other believers are blessing me with their insight and wisdom. Learning the Word is a work in progress, something that may, and should, take my whole lifetime to do. My biggest desire is to be nearer to the Lord everyday. I'm a daughter of the Most High and I aim to be a light for Him. I encourage you to read my posts and comment (if you like) on them. Feel free to write your opinion on any of the subjects. If we disagree on something, please state it respectfully, for I am striving to share my walk and my understanding of the Scriptures and not to offend anyone~so I ask that you do the same. Thank you for stopping by!!
May God Bless You Always!
~~~~Laura Noemi Sandoval~~~~
May God Bless You Always!
~~~~Laura Noemi Sandoval~~~~
Thursday, March 3, 2011
The Practice of the Presence of God
This book is amazing. It is based on letters and spiritual maxims of Brother Lawrence. If you never read it, I highly recommend that you do. This humble, servant of the Lord (Brother Lawrence) has a very simple way of explaining what he was able to accomplish~to have a continual presence of God in his life. He gives many examples of how we can all obtain this great blessing, but he warns us that it will not come easy. We need to want it and seek it. We must work hard at it, failing at many times, but not allowing that to discourage us or to turn our focus from it. He explains how we should have a continual conversation with the Lord-not one of with strict rules and many fancy words. He talks about how our minds will wander off at first and how we are to not feel discouraged because of it but we are to re focus and move on. Another advise he gives is to say a little prayer before, during and after we are "interrupted" from our continual conversation (be it for work/children/chores, etc). And when we are done performing whatever task we had done, we are to analyze "how" we did it. Did we do anything that was displeasing to the Lord? if not, then give praise to Him for allowing you to do your job well, and if we did sin in any way, humbly ask for His forgiveness and move on. I wish I could write down all my favorite quotes, but if I did, I would have to copy most of the book...so here's a few that stood out for me:
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