About this Blog

I am creating this blog to record my walk with the Lord. I will be posting about what the Holy Spirit is revealing to me through the Scriptures, what I am learning through other religious material, and noting how other believers are blessing me with their insight and wisdom. Learning the Word is a work in progress, something that may, and should, take my whole lifetime to do. My biggest desire is to be nearer to the Lord everyday. I'm a daughter of the Most High and I aim to be a light for Him. I encourage you to read my posts and comment (if you like) on them. Feel free to write your opinion on any of the subjects. If we disagree on something, please state it respectfully, for I am striving to share my walk and my understanding of the Scriptures and not to offend anyone~so I ask that you do the same. Thank you for stopping by!!
May God Bless You Always!
~~~~Laura Noemi Sandoval~~~~

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Need to be a Part of a Church Family

(From My Bring One to Christ Post of June 16, 2010)

Is there a need for us to be a part of a church family? I will start with the meaning of the word “church” and hopefully answer the question as I go along. When you look up the word “church” in the dictionary you will find that the first definition states that it is “a building for public worship, especially in the Christian religion.”  When you ask people to define the word “church” most will tell you the same thing. I found this very interesting because that is not the correct meaning of the word yet most of us use it in that manner and our dictionaries describe it as such.  In the New Testament the Greek word “ecclesia” appears approx. 115 times and it has been translated as “church” in these passages.  Ecclesia was a common Greek word that meant “the gathering of people” or “to call people together” it never stood for a building or a place of worship.  As a matter of fact, most of the “gatherings” in biblical times occurred at believer’s residences, outside by the water or on mountains (as Jesus did during his sermons).  Why is knowing the meaning of the word so important? One reason is because we use it often but most importantly because we should not assume that if a person does not attend a “building of worship” they are therefore, not attending “church” or that they are not part of a church.  I know a family that is doing amazing missionary work in Nepal, bringing the word of our Lord to a country that is in much need of it.  This family goes to villages that are a couple of hours away from their residence, to preach the Word of God and to have fellowship with the natives there.  This family is gathering an assembly of believers in Jesus’ name. That is, in my opinion, the true meaning of the word “church.”  So if you are gathering at a beautiful building, someone’s residence, by a lake or in the mountains it is extremely important and even essential to continue (or start) do so.  Christians need to gather together in Jesus Christ our Lord, we need to encourage one another in His Name.  We need our Christian family to hold us accountable for our actions and we need our fellow brothers and sisters-in Christ to lift us up when we are down. We need their prayers and they need ours.  We live in this world, but as children of the Most High, we are no longer of this world.  Depending on where you live, you could be very much outnumbered, making the need for fellowship and prayer even more crucial. Find what “church” setting works for you and your family and do it. The people you will meet (or have already met) will change you, support you, share with you, love you and pray for you…who wants to miss out on that?
***To visit the "Bring One to Christ" group in Facebook click here


  1. I am part of a growing congregation that is currently working toward "church" more in the way you describe in your post. Most people do think of a church as a building; however, when you reach a certain size you need to seriously consider downsizing into homes to keep accountability and serious study of the God's Word.

    One of our favorite sayings is a bit circular but fits "You have to get the church out of the church to be the church." God did not put us together to meet once a week...he put us together to fellowship in His word and make disciples. We simply cannot accomplish this by limiting "church" to a building visited once a week.

  2. I so agree with you Trish...your church sounds so great (from all I've read and heard) It really seems to be on top of things and when it sees a needs it meets that need. Meeting @ people's houses brings people closer together, they are no longer just a part of a "once a week" congregation but a close knit "family" of believers---Congrats to your church for doing so much!
